Built a new NextJS / React project. It’s an API driven app that allows people to apply to adopt dogs and cats from the SPCA Puerto Vallarta. Django Rest Framework on the backend ties the data to the main DB.
I am enjoying programming in Flask more than Django. They are not that different. I’ve made about 4 new sites using Flask. It’s a winner.
I’m going go make a few test projects with Flask. Just curious. It is less opinionated than Django. We’ll see.
Animal Shelter Management App
I’m building an animal shelter management app right now. The Puerto Vallarta SPCA has a world class animal shelter, but all tracking is done on paper.
This new app will track dogs from intake to adoption and everything in between. I’ll update this post with more detail and a link to the staging server.
I’m using Python and Django. I’m having fun again.
It’s Been 10 Months
I haven’t posted here in 10 months. Everything changed in the beginning of March 2019. The president of the SPCA Puerto Vallarta died and my friend had to take her place. I was asked to help. That’s occupied my brain and now I have time again to devote to this work.
I’m working on a new app..
Taxi apps – Puerto Vallarta
Taxi App – Puerto Vallarta
The only way to get a taxi to your house here in Puerto Vallarta is to call them. It is not a reliable way to get a cab. They don’t always answer the phone and many times the person who answers does not speak English. I don’t fault them for speaking Spanish. But, there can be problems with the communications.
New current projects page
Take a look at my current projects.

The Main Thing
Remember to keep the main thing the main thing.
Too often, projects get bogged down because we add unneeded complexity and forget what we were trying to accomplish when we started. Remember the main thing. That’s the mission.
It won’t be all business here..
Greetings from Mexico
I retired from my job with the University of Hawaii 2 1/2 years ago and moved to Puerto Vallarta. It didn’t take me long to adjust to not working and living in a new culture. I’ve really enjoyed the changes.

But now I feel like I’m ready to work again. I might take on one or two projects at a time, depending on the level of complexity involved.
I’m a web developer and I know business as well as project management. I got my first computer back in 1988 and was immediately hooked. I made my first website in 1994. I’ve run web development projects for state government (Hawaii) that were used by thousands of employees. I’ve worked with small and large teams of workers and Federal government reps (HHS and DOL).
We’ll keep it simple. My preference is to develop websites for non-profits here in Puerto Vallarta. Animals and their welfare are my thing. I am open to discussing any kind of project if you have a worthy cause and need an expert to create a web presence for you.
This site is brand new (January 28, 2019 – day 1). Contact me if you’d like to discuss a project.
John Dunnicliffe